Unitarian Universalist Church of Marblehead

28 Mugford Street Marblehead, MA 01945
Gail Doliber Family Lobster Bake and Church Picnic
ail Doliber Family Church Lobster Bake Church Picnic 2023
YES We will be having our Annual Lobster Bake – so keep tuned to the next couple of eBlasts for more information as the plans evolve.
Each year on the Saturday before our In-Gathering service we gather together on the church patio for the Gail Doliber Family Lobster Bake/Church Picnic. Named after a treasured UUCMer.
We are currently planning to have it at 5 to 7pm on the Church Patio on Saturday, September 9th. So mark it on your calendar. We will be sending out a Reservation Form towards the end of August to ask you how many lobsters, corn or clam chowders and salads you may want.
It is a good way to catch up on everyone’s summer happenings…
Look forward to seeing you…
Bill Smalley

When: Saturday, Sept. 9th at 5pm
Where: Virtual Dinner or Patio Dining (plus new option mentioned below)
* Patio dining has limited space. Only 15 people allowed*
** Please pay for your lobster at the pickup time with a check made out to UUCM **