Unitarian Universalist Church of Marblehead
28 Mugford Street Marblehead, MA 01945
Sunday Seminar
Any adult or teen is welcome to attend our Sunday Seminar, a part of our Religious Exploration (RE) program.
We normally meet Sundays 9:00-10:15 am (gathering at 8:45 am) in the Holyoke Room, with its large monitor and 'owl' audio system so that others can participate by Zoom. We are respectful, funny, and enthusiastic learners. Those who attend decide on the topics and present them to the group.
After the presentation everyone has an opportunity to reflect on it. The topics are quite varied and have included UU issues about economic justice, Radical Judaism, near-death experiences, the latest in particle physics, our different notions of God, and the collapse of the American empire.
Coming Up
Sunday Seminars Begin on Sunday, September 15th.
begins at 9am, gathers at 8:45am
Jay and Janet
Shared Ministry
UUCM has adopted the perspective that rather than expecting our minister to provide all ministerial services to members and the community, we all share in that. The Board of Trustees is the governing body elected by the members. Once a year the Board meets in a retreat location to prepare for the year ahead.
This year the Board met on October 29th with a consultant from the Unitarian Universalist Association to facilitate the meeting. Here is a picture from that meeting.
Small Group Ministries
Small Group Ministry (SGM) is designed to foster connection and caring, to provide an avenue for personal growth, and ultimately to strengthen the fabric of our community. Each group has six to nine members and meets once or twice a month. Meetings include personal sharing and discussion of a topic designed to nurture spiritual growth. Facilitators are chosen and trained by the minister to lead the groups. Each group chooses its meeting discussion topics. Examples include gratitude, forgiveness, living with loss, music, service to others, our mothers, and living with uncertainty.
UUCM Choir
UUCM's talented choir is lead by our Music Director Karen Gahagan. Through talent and dedication the UUCM choir adds a beautiful, complementary dimension to our Sunday Services.
UUCM's choir enthusiastically welcomes new members. If interested please contact our Music Director.
Over 60s Group
The Over 60 Group... We will have regular meetings the second Saturday each month unless stated here otherwise, at 9.30am.
You can attend in person (masks, please ) – iin the Holyoke Room around the large screen Zoom TV and OWL microphone. or you can use the below link to join the meeting by Zoom. It is the regular link that we always use.
Next regular meeting, Saturday, September 14th at 9:30am.
Meeting ID: 989 2878 6038
Passcode: UUCM2020
+16465588656,,98928786038#,,,,*75638471# US (New York)
+16469313860,,98928786038#,,,,*75638471# US
Dial by your location
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
Meeting ID: 989 2878 6038
Passcode: 75638471
Pastoral Care Associates
The Pastoral Care Associates (PCAs) are a group of 8-10 UUCM members appointed by the minister to be "listeners" to those who need to talk or be heard.
The PCAs provide this emotional and spiritual support to people during or after a challenging phase of life including illness, caring for another in need, a separation, or difficulty coping with life's challenges.
Although there have been little needs - our congregation is full of people caring for others - recently we have decided to reform our Caring Committee, a group who are interested in caring for members with these physical needs. To notify us of such needs, please call Teresa Coelho, our administrator (781-631-1215)
So far our members include Jack Weltner, Trish Sullivan, Sally Scott, Sheila Cran-Barry, and Christine Van Gemert.
Anyone interested in joining this new group of helpers, please contact me, Jack Weltner, at 781-631-8581
Volunteer Groups
UUCM has many opportunities to offer service in our church community and the greater community. There are many ways to join in, give back and help out.
Opportunities include:
Social Action
Building & Grounds Clean-Up Days
Cooking/Serving at LifeBridge
Red Bow Fair
Sunday Greeter/Usher
Web Design/Social Media
Welcoming/Membership Committee
Adult Exploration
Religious Exploration/Youth Program
Caring Connection (Rides, Meals, etc)
Sunday Service Reader/Chalice Lighter
Summer Services