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our minister, Rev. EDMUND ROBINSON
Edmund Robinson.jpg

Hello, my name is Edmund Robinson. This congregation  has honored me by selecting me to serve as Contract minister for the year 2024-25.


A few facts about me: I have been a UU since 1978, and have been a UU minister since 1999. Though I am from South Carolina, all the churches I have served have been in the northeast, mostly in Massachusetts: Wakefield, Belmont, Staten Island (interim), Chatham, First Church in Boston, and, most recently, a one-year contract at First Parish in Hingham, familiarly known as Old Ship.  Several of these churches are quite old, as is Marblehead.


Ministry is a second career for me; before I went to Divinity School, I was a lawyer for two decades in Charleston South Carolina, where I was active in the Unitarian Church of Charleston .  I was also active in the local ACLU and founded a folk music society which is still beating time there.  My first wife and I had two children, both of whom are now adults and one of whom has children of his own.  I have had the fortune to be married to two extraordinary women in this life, and my second wife and I live in Lexington.  Her name is Jacqueline Schwab, she is a consummate pianist who is best known for her soulful contributions to the sound tracks of many documentaries, including some by Ken Burns. 


I love many different kinds of music, and play traditional folk. I am very interested in the relationship between religion and science and with liberal religion’s answer to the problem of evil.  I look forward to getting to know this congregation as individuals.   

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