Unitarian Universalist Church of Marblehead

28 Mugford Street Marblehead, MA 01945
Stephanie Krauss Verdun
Stephanie Krauss Verdun
Marblehead entreprenuer, painter, mixed media artist Stephanie Krauss Verdun to show through December
Marblehead entreprenuer, painter, mixed media artist Stephanie Krauss Verdun to show through December

Stetson Gallery warmly presents "Stitched" a new series of textile mixed media work by Stephanie Krauss Verdun. Shown through the month of December, the series includes 22 new works which began as an experiment. Using her sewing machine to add a layer of texture to a new batik process she was studying led to these new stitched pieces of art. The works are inspired by Stephanie's ability to “see” an image within the lines created by random stitching. Using cloth, ink, paint and now adding machine thread in various ways, Stephanie is truly a bright and creative visual artist.
Krauss Verden has been commissioned to create custom works for several companies and clients in New England and has a self-published collection of stationery under my KRAUSSHOUSE ILLUSTRATION & DESIGN name. Stephanie is often found at her local town studio, Out of the Box Studio, where she teaches classes and workshops to children and adults. Ever creative- some of her line work designs have been made into stunningly unique scarves.
The opening reception for "Stitched will be held Sunday December 10th from noon to 2 pm Please join us and meet the artist