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Lifebridge Meals

Our congregation has provided meals once a month for the Lifebridge Homeless Shelter, a Salem based organization (formerly Crombie St. and Salem Mission), since it opened in the 1980s.  We generally feed about 75 people at each supper with meals ranging from meatloaf to pad thai.  There are usually eight to twelve of volunteers preparing and serving the meals.


UUCM is responsible for the second Thursday of the month.  Jack Weltner headed up this group for decades and our commitment continues in his memory. Some in the group prepare the food at home and arrive about 5:45, serving at 6:30.  Others prepare and serve the food in the Lifebridge kitchen, usually using supplies they purchase and bring. Generally they head home just after 7.  Many hands make light work! We have a long (40 yrs) tradition of being responsible for one meal a month at LifeBridge, the Salem Homeless shelter, and they depend on us.   We could use one more regular cooks.  Any volunteers? 


Anyone interested In helping out should contact Elizabeth Wilson at 781 248-6471. to make arrangements.


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