Unitarian Universalist Church of Marblehead

28 Mugford Street Marblehead, MA 01945
Financial support
UUCM relies on pledges resulting from our annual Stewardship Drive. Many pledge donors also participate in our customary Sunday morning plate donation, your donations of any amount will gratefully be received made using the above form. The drop-downs enable giving to special collections or other options.
Or. you can text the word "give" to 781-381-4488 and follow the prompts. Donations other than 'plate' can also be made to other collections via text. For example you would send "50 pledge" to make a $50 donation toward your pledge.
You can, of course, always send checks, and it is a little less expensive for you and UUCM. Mail to
28 Mugford St.
Marblehead, MA 01945.
Thank you for your generous support of UUCM.
The Stewardship Drive takes place annually before the close of the Church Year (end of May) as the budget is being set. Note that pledges can be made or updated at any time.
The Stewardship Drive is essential to the functioning of UUCM. We ask our members to ponder the value of the community of UUCM and what they are able to do to financially support it. See the Pledges page for more information.
In addition, please consider making a substantial donation to the Bartlett Fund to support major improvements. This is esp. appropriate in estate planning. Bequests can also be made to the Silver Trust. Contact the office (781-631-1215) to explore these opportunities.