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The Gallery, which primarily features Northshore and Boston artists in solo and group exhibitions, has offered art lovers an opportunity to view a broad selection

of fine artists’ work for more than 20 years. 


Regular hours are 11:30am-3pm M-F and 10-2pm Sundays.


Inquiries about exhibiting in Stetson Gallery may be directed to

Stetson Gallery

Evmorphia Stratis
Sunday, November 12, 12:30-2:30 p.m.

Trees and Morning Glories

This series of oil paintings began after my father died in 2001. It seemed only nature offered me solace. My father loved trees and we had a lot of them in our back yard in Everett, Massachusetts. My mother and father taught us the love, appreciation and importance of protecting nature.

Trees laden with blossoms in lush colors. Spring was rebirth. Summer burning with brilliant greens, yellows and oranges. Then of course autumn. How to capture the stunning foliage? I see the beauty and it makes me catch my breath.
My winter tree is called ‘Love’.

I had planted morning glories in the spring and the vines grew so tall with big, beautiful leaves- but no flowers yet. They needed a trellis. My Dad and I put one up. Two weeks later he died. That morning the buds burst open-He was speaking to me.

‘Cosmic Dance’ - my brother Eustathios loved this painting and bought it. He always believed in me as an artist. He also loved the pink flowers! It is all a dance between life and everything beyond.

For the past 35 years I have had the privilege and joy to teach painting
and curate student exhibitions of all ages here, in New England and in Greece, my ancestral home.

Currently, I have been exploring an ancient style of painting - encaustic. Using melted beeswax, pigment and fire you can create luminous, layered works. I love it!

For any inquiries please contact me at (617) 232-4211
thank you
Evmorphia Stratis

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Holly Aloha Jaynes was the previous featured artist in Stetson Gallery.


Holly was chosen as the MHR artist for the Annual Holiday Pops Concert at Abbot Hall. Her oil painting. "Across Marblehead Harbor" was be raffled off at the reception! Holly exhibited multi media work from portraits of people who matter to landscapes and found object art. 

Previous Exhibits


August 26, 2019

We are delighted to announce the continuation and 2019 opening of exhibits at the Stetson Gallery in the Unitarian Universalist Church of Marblehead, 28 Mugford St., Marblehead MA, with artist, Nedret Andre’s new work! 

"Rhythms in Nature" will be exhibited September 4 - October 11, 2019 and is a series of abstract paintings inspired by seagrass habitats. In this new collection Andre explores how patterns found in eelgrass meadows can be interpreted into abstract motifs. Andre volunteers with several eelgrass conservation groups in Massachusetts. During the opening reception, BU marine scientist, Dr. Alyssa Novak will talk about the eelgrass restoration efforts in the North Shore.


Nedret Andre captures the poetry present in our oceans. In “Harvest Moon” for example, muted grays mingling with dark blue hues while a warm undertone pokes through in places. In this painting she captures an invented space infused by an orange glow. Small rhythmic charcoal marks weave through the painting. Tiny specs of golden orange bounce off of the seagrass blades. Almost like an orchestra there are many micro movements culminating in the experience of the whole. “I’m interested in depicting the sensations of light and color that I experience when I am out in seagrass meadows. There are multiple layers of movements all happening at the same time, just beautiful orchestrated synchronicity.”

Intrigued by the patterns and rhythms created in eelgrass habitats, Andre brings various lines and shapes which repeat throughout her compositions. For example, in “O2 Bubbles” she exaggerates curvilinear shapes that resemble large scale bubbles. She zooms in to provide a drippy macro view of what Oxygen bubbles may look like as seagrass releases them up into the water column.

“Moving Land” traces of the contours of shifting land underwater. Lines weave through interlocking shapes, while greens and yellows lay below the creamy surface of white oil paint. Texture and pattern repeat in different places almost becoming geometric and then dissolving into another organic iteration. Sand covers rock, an orange mollusk shell reveals itself partially hidden. Andre is interested in capturing these moments of structure and loss as a metaphor for what is happening in eelgrass habitats.

Nedret Andre is a Boston-based artist who has been reviewed in Art New England and ArtScope Magazine. She received her BFA in Painting at Massachusetts College of Art, and her MFA from Maine College of Art. She is collected internationally and is represented by Beacon Gallery, Boston and Walsingham Gallery, Newburyport.


Dr. Alyssa Novak is a coastal ecologist and seagrass expert working for BU. Her current research focuses on seagrass restoration and the impact of invasive species on seagrasses such as the European green crab. 

Please join us for Nedret Andres's opening Reception with speaker Dr. Alyssa Novak: Sunday, Sep. 8, 2019, 12:00 - 2:00 PM

Artist Lynne Foy shares “Pieces of My Mind”

April 30, 2019

Lynne Foy

April 30 – June 18, 2019

Opening reception: Sunday May 5th, 12pm-2pm


Living in Provincetown across from the ever-changing ocean Lynne Foy has painted many seascapes learning to understand the power and serenity of this living, beautiful thing. Lynne creates nostalgic, atmospheric landscapes, seascapes, and figurative work which are multilayered, with respect to both their structural composition and symbolic meaning.


This artist enjoys experimenting with different materials and styles, searching for what feels right. The fragility of life has moved Lynne to paint many one-winged angels as a way of expressing her belief that “we are all angels and have landed here as part of our journey to another place.” Her figures often have their eyes closed for their privacy.

Lynne Foy’s current work employs a loose way of moving oil paint around to achieve her visual voice. Defining and interpreting the fluid dynamism of darkness and light, the real and surreal, nihilism and conscious being is her painting journey. Lynne Foy is honored to be “able to create from the inside out and do what I love each day.”  She has worked for many years at her own business as a print designer and magazine illustrator- working for a number of publications including Emmy Magazine, Computer World and Crayola Kids.


Lynne Foy’s exhibit runs April 30 -June 18, 2019. Please join us for the opening reception held Sunday May 5th, noon- 2pm.

Tanzania and Tahiti - Powerful Places to Connect to the Planet

March 21, 2019

Dr. Nigella Hillgarth

March 22nd – April 30th, 2019


Opening Reception: Sunday, March 24, 12:00 - 2:00 PM


Returning photographer Dr. Nigella Hillgarth is an environmental advocate concerned with the impacts of climate change and rising seas. Nigella has the good fortune to travel to many remote and beautiful parts of our planet and share it with us the viewer. Through photography, the magic of place and nature is captured wherever she goes. In this exhibit Nigella’s focus is on the beauty of Tahiti and the surrounding area as seen from a tall ship – and parts of Africa- including the wildlife of Tanzania.

During May of 2018 Nigella spent a week on one of the teaching tall ships belonging to the Sea Education Association. The organization SEA empowers students with life-changing sea voyages, and as a supporter of SEA, Dr. Hillgarth had an opportunity to participate in life on a large sailing ship. With her camera she captures the strong sense of our connection to the ocean.

In November 2018, Nigella visited Tanzania. This was her first visit to some of the great wild spaces in Africa- including national parks Serengeti, Tarangiri and Ngorongoro Crater. The Shear vastness was extraordinary- and huge numbers of animals in this wilderness was almost overwhelming. It was heartening to learn that climate change does not appear to have impacted this area as much as she feared. However, the rains which dictate the direction of the migration, are more unpredictable then in the past.

Nigella Hillgarth is a visiting scientist at the University of Washington, and a founding member of Ocean Collectiv – solutions for a healthy ocean. Previously, as President and Chief Executive Officer of the New England Aquarium, she raised the profile of the Aquarium’s global conservation and research work by founding the Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean Life as well as developing a vision for the future of the Aquarium and surrounding Boston waterfront.


Please join us for the opening reception for "Tanzania and Tahiti - Powerful Places to Connect to the Planet” will be held Sunday, March 24th, from noon to 2 p.m. in the Stetson Gallery.


Note: We do hope to have another talk and reception with Dr. Hillgarth and the SEA team the evening of April 18th. Stay tuned! SEA is a global teaching, learning and research community dedicated to the exploration, understanding and stewardship of marine and maritime environments.




February 04, 2019

Stetson Gallery will exhibit the work of Gloucester painter William A. Travis, February 5 through March 20, 2019. Please join us for the opening reception held Sunday February 10th, noon- 2pm.  

With an artist’s mind for well over 60 years, William “Bill” Travis has a long history of creativity. “As a youngster, I would often come home to an empty house with both parents working.  I began to draw to pass the time”.  After pursuing classes in drawing, painting, sculpture and design, Travis was inspired by the science of light and how it appears in photography. Light is a key reference point. He is also inspired by the human element in Italian Renaissance art and endeavors to combine the two.  Elements of beauty, humanity and nature are seen in his oil paintings of today.

A member of several local art associations, Bill Travis has won various awards for his photography and paintings. He finds his most fruitful works have evolved from simply expressing how he feels about the subject matter. “Its success in me is almost of a spiritual nature… in a sense the image may be already finished before I start.” Travis has a unique creative process and his recent paintings reflect a new way of interpreting this renaissance inspiration. 

Heather Buechler to enliven the Stetson Gallery with art and spirit in "Awakened Color"

October 02, 2018



Oct. 16th- Nov 20th, 2018


Opening Reception Sunday, October 21st 2018, 12:00 - 2:00 PM


Stetson Gallery in the Unitarian Universalist Church of Marblehead, 28 Mugford St., Marblehead, MA, is delighted to present, “Awakened Color,” a vibrant and expressive exhibition of abstract paintings by Boston based Artist Heather Buechler. Trained in Figurative Drawing and Fibers, Buechler began to experiment with varied materials including resin, acrylics, cattle markers, and recycled house paints. In 2011 Heather Buechler did a residency at the Contemporary Artist Center in New York where she began abstract drawings. Since then she has continued painting in this arena, focusing specifically on the intersection between spirituality and the state of one's mind and presence.


At first glance Buechler’s work appears to be merely abstract, but upon careful visual interaction, one cannot help but feel the soothing peacefulness that emanates from the canvas. This feeling isn’t coincidental – it is intentionally crafted and it is the force behind her work. “My art evolves with me and each collection is representative of my state of mind at the time that it was created. My collections materialize into whirlpools of darkness, purity and divinity, arbitrariness, and supremacy - all intertwined with one another.” This visual interpretation of universal inter-connectivity allows the viewer to lose themselves within the borders of the canvas. On a rudimentary level, Buechler’s work is about beauty, truth, and connectivity.


Buechler received her BFA from Colorado State University in her home town of Fort Collins Colorado. Her work is held in private collections in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Colorado, Alaska, Washington, California, Vermont, Iowa, New Hampshire, and Italy. In 2006 Boston’s Mayor Thomas Menino awarded one of her Buddha drawings to the Rocky Neck Art Colony in Gloucester MA.


Please join us at the Stetson Gallery opening reception of “Awakened Color” Sunday, October 21st 2018, 12:00 - 2:00 PM.

Stetson Art Gallery was established more than 20 years ago to showcase the talents of local artists in primarily solo exhibitions. The Gallery is open weekday mornings, during church events, during me&thee coffeehouse concerts, and by appointment. For further information, visit Also visit Stetson Gallery on Facebook.


This exhibit is curated by Michele Martin Albee an accomplished Marblehead photographer and member of both UUCM and the Marblehead Arts Association. To express interest in exhibiting in Stetson Gallery, email Michele Martin Albee at

Returning astract artist Nedret Andre to Open the Stetson Gallery 2018-2019 Season!

September 06, 2018

Stetson Gallery is pleased to present, “Held Together,” a major exhibit of new paintings by Nedret Andre. Andre’s abstract landscapes depict the intricate natural balance within seagrass habitats. With this series of paintings, Andre explores the interconnected-ness of species within eelgrass beds. Her research in seagrass restoration with marine ecologists led to her snorkel within seagrass beds and allowed her to observe beautiful exchanges that occur. 


Eelgrass beds provide a home, food, and sanctuary for so many creatures like crabs, starfish, manatees and thousands of sea creatures. Seagrass’s ability to hold together so many wonderful tangible and intangible elements has been at the heart of Andre’s paintings.  Her painting “Held Together” is an underwater hub where many exchanges are occurring simultaneously. She paints elusive organic shapes that appear and disappear; where the edges become distinct and then shift into the next shape, creating energetic movements. With her unique visual language, Andre captures the rich diversity of colors, shapes and movement of eelgrass beds. 

Globally, every hour 20 football fields of eelgrass are lost due mostly to pollution. Andre paints the beauty found in seagrass habitats to raise awareness of the benefits of these habitats, from the clean air we breathe to the muscles we eat. For Andre being involved in eelgrass conservation efforts has made a huge impact on her everyday choices and definitely her paintings.

Please join us for the Opening Reception and special speaking engagement with MIT ecologist, Dr. Julie Simpson. Sunday, Sep.9th 2018, 12:00 - 2:00 PM.


Nedret Andre is a Boston-based artist who has been reviewed in Art New England and ArtScope Magazine. She received her BFA in Painting at Massachusetts College of Art, and her MFA from Maine College of Art.

Dr. Juliet Simpson is a coastal aquatic ecologist with the MIT Sea Grant College Program in the Marine Advisory Services group. 

"Held Together" is a solo show running September 6 through October 16, 2018. 

Artist Margaret Hart investigates gender, technology and science fiction

May 22, 2018

Stetson Gallery will be wrapping up the 2017-2018 season with a fantastic show by Margaret Hart.  Hart will be presenting her posthuman collage work in an exhibit called “Situated Becomings.”


Challenging typical notions of human subjectivity and embodiment, Hart’s artworks employ a wide variety of materials through which she investigates gender, technology and science fiction. Imagine a cyborg collage: a becoming of gender possibilities, an image depicting fragments of technology, all brought to reality through the objects included.


“For the past year I have been creating physical cut-and-paste paper collage works based on a character I have created in my science fiction short-story work,” said Hart. “These collages loosely reflect the intersections of gender, transformation and technology, and are informed by feminist and posthuman theory.”


Margaret Hart's works explore gender through the relationship between human and non-human agents, such as technology and the body. The collage form is one of transformation and suggests an unfixed state, or an incompleteness, still in the progress of becoming. These works exist in a posthuman time and articulate a philosophical framework of inclusivity and fluidity.


Hart’s work can be found in many public and private collections internationally. Hart received her BFA from the University of Iowa and her MFA form the University of Colorado, Boulder. She is currently working on a PhD from the Transart Institute and resides in Boston.


The exhibit “Situated Becomings" is a solo exhibit running May 22 to June 26, 2018. The artists opening reception will be held Sunday, June 3rd from noon to 2 pm. All are welcome!

Donna Caselden's "Juxtuposition" incorporates abstract art with ornate framing.

April 23, 2018

Stetson Gallery presents an exhibit showcasing experimental artist Donna Caselden. A well-known talent across the spectrum of visual design and an award winning experimental artist and wearable art clothing designer, Caselden also works one-on-one with clients on interior design and home décor projects.


“I love the marriage of old with new, contemporary with traditional, yin and yang’” explains Caselden, "in the design field and especially with artwork. This show will feature a collection of abstract expressionism artwork framed in ornate, many times antique frames; a play on the juxtaposition of old versus new".


Caselden works from her studio in the seaside village of Annisquam, Massachusetts. As a painter, she has won acclaim for her work with acrylic, watercolor and oil paint. She is known for her experimental 2D artwork, incorporating unusual substances like marble dust, sand, coffee grounds, or mica to achieve unique texture and effects.


Donna Caselden is a member of Cape Ann’s Experimental Art Group at Rockport Art Association, Society for Encouragement of Arts (seARTS), and the National Association of Women Artists (NAWA.) Her art work is showcased in museums and galleries throughout the northeast, including the Peabody Essex Museum (PEM) in Salem, Massachusetts.


The exhibit “Juxtaposition is a solo exhibit running April 25 to May 15, 2018. All are welcome to the artists opening reception held Sunday, April 29th from noon to 2 pm.

Barbara S. Naeder exhibits vibrant new pastels and more

March 20, 2018

We're squeezing in a late March show at the Stetson this month! Through late April we will be exhibiting vibrant color works by regional artist Barbara S. Naeser. On exhibit are her newer works, both pastel and oil with many inspired by a trip to San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.


Pastels are a relatively new medium for Barbara Naeser. About a year ago she traveled to Mexico for a pastel workshop where she experimented daily; learning to love the huge array of vibrant colors, the immediacy, the results and feel of a pastel in her hands. Naeser's artwork is uniquely hers. “I have developed my own style using loose, bold strokes and mark-making, unafraid color”. She paints because she needs to paint. “Creating art fulfills me. Each new painting presents a personal challenge to capture the image, gesture or idea (the “why”) that made me want to paint it, how I felt when I first saw my subject”.


A member of Marblehead, Swampscott, Salem and Newbury Arts Associations (to name a few), Naeser’s art grew from early lessons on Martha's Vineyard to a Studio and Art History major at Smith College. She has studied with various artists on the North Shore and beyond including the Peninsula School of Art in Fish Creek, WI. Additionally, she has been designing her holiday cards for more than 50 years!


Join Barbara and friends at the opening artists’ reception Sunday, March 25, from 12-2 p.m.

Charitable Travels to Guatemala bring home images of Determination, Kindness and Joy

February 27, 2018

Stetson Gallery is pleased to announce a new display of compelling photos and memoirs. "STORIES OF COURAGE: FACES OF HOPE GUATEMALA 2017" will be on exhibit February 27th- March 20th 2018. The photographs document the quiet heroes met along this groups special journey.

The travelers include Linda and Jack Weltner, Nancy DeMuth, Tricia Sullivan, Reverend Wendy Von Courter, Mary Zelewski and Jean Hamburg from the Marblehead UUCM Church and were joined by Brenda Painchaud from Newburyport along with Jan and Melody Constant of Kansas City, Missouri.

Each image and story shares personal time spent at three destinations: “El Amor de Patricia Children’s Home,” a home to help bring well-being, education and stability to neglected children, the rural impoverished Yalu village where bunk beds were provided for children who had been sleeping on the floor and lastly, with the valiant staff and students at "Long Way Home School," a school built entirely from recyclable materials. It is seen the programs and groups they chose to assist were incredibly worthy organizations. Where daily challenges seem unending, the photos and stories capture determination, kindness, joy and real community.


The opening reception for “STORIES OF COURAGE: FACES OF HOPE GUATEMALA 2017” will be held Sunday, March 4th, from noon to 2 p.m. at Stetson Gallery in the Unitarian Universalist Church of Marblehead, 28 Mugford St., Marblehead. Come meet the Travel Team who are pleased to share this unique journey.

Vivid balance of ocean paradise and Icebergs dramatically shown in Christmas Island - Threatened Paradise

January 10, 2018

Nigella Hillgarth is a biologist and photographer concerned with the impacts of climate change on ocean and coastal ecosystems. During 2015 Nigella visited Christmas Island in the pacific, which is part of the Republic of Kiribati. She was struck by the intense beauty of this remote island combined with its increasing vulnerability due to rapidly rising sea levels.  The photographs in this exhibit from Christmas Island show the intimate connection between this low-lying coral atoll and the surrounding ocean.


In the summer of 2017 Nigella went to the west coast of Greenland to photograph the icebergs that wait in Disco Bay before floating out into the Atlantic.  Greenland’s icecap is melting faster each year, and so more ice is being pushed off the land via the large glaciers. The rapid melting of the Greenland ice and the arctic in general poses a major threat to low lying areas of the world, especially the fragile islands of the south pacific.  


Previous president and CEO of the New England Aquarium, Nigella Hillgarth is a visiting scientist at the University of Washington, and a founding member of Ocean Collectiv – solutions for a healthy ocean. Nigella's work will be on exhibit January 10 - February 28th, 2018. 


Please join us, Sunday, January 14, from noon to 2 p.m. for her enlightening talk and opening reception! 

Marblehead entreprenuer, painter, mixed media artist Stephanie Krauss Verdun to show through December

December 06, 2017

Stetson Gallery warmly presents "Stitched" a new series of textile mixed media work by Stephanie Krauss Verdun. Shown through the month of December, the series includes 22 new works which began as an experiment. Using her sewing machine to add a layer of texture to a new batik process she was studying led to these new stitched pieces of art. The works are inspired by Stephanie's ability to “see” an image within the lines created by random stitching. Using cloth, ink, paint and now adding machine thread in various ways, Stephanie is truly a bright and creative visual artist.


Krauss Verden has been commissioned to create custom works for several companies and clients in New England and has a self-published collection of stationery under my KRAUSSHOUSE ILLUSTRATION & DESIGN name. Stephanie is often found at her local town studio, Out of the Box Studio, where she teaches classes and workshops to children and adults. Ever creative- some of her line work designs have been made into stunningly unique scarves.


The opening reception for "Stitched" will be held Sunday December 10th from noon to 2 p.m. Please join us and meet the artist! 


November 08, 2017

Stetson Gallery in the Unitarian Universalist Church of Marblehead, 28 Mugford St., Marblehead is delighted to present an exhibit of works by Annisquam artist Ann Guyer through the month of November. Her images are sure to awaken thoughts of summer with "Blossoms, Leaves and Berries".


Layering pastels and other medium, Guyer’s new works are inspired by the fleeting blossoms in her surroundings or encountered at the side of the road this past season. This immediacy is seen in her vivid use of color and line. With joy in her work and intellectual intention and rigor in painting, Ann Guyer is sure to please.


Guyer has exhibited at various group shows, public auctions and museum shows. Her designs used by Hallmark and packaging companies as well as several book covers and private collections. 


The opening reception for "Blossoms, Leaves and Berries” will be held Sunday November 12 from noon to 2 p.m. Please join us in welcoming Ann- and enjoy her vibrant works of nature!


Life long artists, Louis and Marjorie Rizzo to "Make a Splash".

October 15, 2017

Once again we have a dynamic show in the works at the Stetson. This month we will be showing new works by watercolorists Louis and Marjorie Rizzo.


Rizzos fans are in for a delightful and aesthetic experience with their new watercolors. Both painters have purposefully intensified their palettes and pushed their medium way beyond the conventional, hence, the title "Making a Splash". Loving art and each other has proven to be a winning combination. 


They have found great success in the field as juried, signature members of the prestigious New England Watercolor Society, which was founded 130 years ago and boasts former members as John Singer Sargent. Plus they are juried members of the Ogunquit Art Association and the Marblehead Art Association.


Their works will be on display at Stetson Gallery October 12th- November 7, 2017. 


Be sure to join us for their opening reception Sunday October 15th from noon-2 p.m!

Nedret Andre opens the 2017-2018 Stetson Gallery Season with Art and Insight! 

September 10, 2017

The Stetson Gallery is please to present Ocean Reflecting Sky, a major exhibit of new paintings by Nedret Andre. Andre’s abstract landscapes are inspired by the sensations of life within seagrass beds; the color, the energy, and interconnectedness of species. Through her research and collaborations with marine ecologists, Andre learned about Blue Carbon, the carbon that is captured and stored by marine ecosystems such as mangroves, salt marshes and seagrasses.


The opening reception will be held Sunday September 10 from noon-2 p.m.


Also attending the opening is Boston EPA’s marine ecologist and seagrass expert Dr. Philip Colarusso. Dr. Colarusso will talk about current scientific research in seagrass conservation at the opening reception. 


Please join us in celebrating this amazingly creative, successful artist and gain insightful from a leading marine ecologist!!


Andre's work will be on exhibit September 7- October 11th, 2017. 

Polly Maxon Tritschler to present in Stetson

June 01, 2017

A former art teacher in the Salem Public Schools, Polly Maxon Tritschler retired early to pursue her art full time. A member of several local art associations, she has won various awards for her drawings and paintings.


Polly Maxon Tritschler has been showing her work locally for the past 20 years in and around Marblehead.  She enjoys creating on canvas the colors and designs she finds in plates and postcards.


Stetson Art Gallery was established more than 20 years ago to showcase the talents of local artists in primarily solo exhibitions. The Gallery is open weekday mornings, during church events, during me&thee coffeehouse concerts, and by appointment. For further information, visit Also visit Stetson Gallery on Facebook. 


This exhibit will be the final show organized by co-curators Anthony and Jo Ann Silva. The Unitarian Universalist Church of Marblehead is currently interviewing candidates for the curatorship. To express interest in exhibiting in Stetson Gallery, email The incoming curator(s) will get in touch.

BOSTON NORTH ARTISTS TO EXHIBIT "As we see it." in Stetson Gallery During May.

May 01, 2017

Stetson Gallery in the Unitarian Universalist Church of Marblehead  will feature the painting group Boston North Artists throughout the month of May. The opening reception for "As we see it" will be held Sunday, May 7 from 12-2 pm. Stetson and the BNA group will also participate in Marblehead Art Walk on Saturday and Sunday, May 20 and 21, with an informal reception at the end of the day on Saturday.


 Boston North Artists is comprised of professional and semi  professional artists who meet weekly to paint together. They are a  diverse group with many years of experience, and they take advantage of each others' skills to improve their work. BNA artists are well represented in north of Boston art associations and at juried exhibits, where they have received many awards.


 Stetson Art Gallery was established more than 20 years ago to showcase  the talents of local artists in primarily solo exhibitions. The Gallery is open weekday mornings, during church events, during me&thee coffeehouse concerts, and by appointment. For further information, visit Also visit Stetson Gallery on Facebook.

Stetson Gallery will exhibit "Marie Buckley: A Journey in Color" throughout the month of April.

April 01, 2017

Stetson Gallery will exhibit "Marie Buckley: A Journey in Color" throughout the month of April. 


The opening reception for artist Marie Buckley will be held Sunday, April 2, from 12-2 p.m. in the Gallery.


Marie Buckley says she has "been drawing and painting since I received my first box of crayons as a little girl. I studied studio art at Bowdoin College and I have taken courses at Montserrat College of Art, the Newburyport Art Association and the Rockport Art Association.  


"I began painting in oils three years ago and oils have opened up a new dimension in my painting. I love being able to paint the light on in the final stages and make a painting "pop." I usually work on a large scale and in bright high-key colors. I think of shapes and shadows as simply an excuse to sneak more color onto a canvas. 


"I paint for the sheer bliss it brings," she continues. "Honestly, how wonderful to live in a world where permanent rose and Winsor blue (green shade) come in tubes! Who could ask for anything more? P. S. I dream in color. I hope you do too."


Buckley, of Wenham, is also a practicing attorney who has written a legal book and now helps other attorneys use language "humans" understand.

Stetson Art Gallery was established more than 20 years ago to showcase the talents of local artists in primarily solo exhibitions. The Gallery is open weekday mornings, during church events, during me&thee coffeehouse concerts, and by appointment. For further information, visit Also visit Stetson Gallery on Facebook.


Artists may email curators Anthony and Jo Ann Silva at For a special appointment, contact the Church Administrator at 781-639-1215.

The Stetson Gallery is please to present Susan j Schrader's new work throughout March 2017

March 05, 2017

The Stetson Gallery is please to present Susan j Schrader's new work throughout March. The opening reception will be held Sunday, March 5 from 12-2 pm

This Schrader's series of drawings and paintings on canvas and paper contain whimsical pen and ink drawings that focus on fanciful creatures in a city-like landscape that are rich in color, full of creative patterns and bizarre movements in which some are focused on abstracted human figures that float and dance about on the surface of the canvas.

Susan j Schrader is a Visual Artist and Book Illustrator who lives in Marblehead, Massachusetts. She holds a BFA from Queen's University, in Canada and a MFA from Illinois State University where she studied drawing, printmaking, painting and art history. Susan is a mom to two boys and dog, who travels extensively.

Be sure to join us for the opening reception Sunday March 5th!
Stetson Art Gallery was established more than 20 years ago to showcase the talents of local artists in primarily solo exhibitions. The Gallery is open weekday mornings, during church events, during me&thee coffeehouse concerts, and by appointment. The Marblehead Arts Association was founded in 192X, and now thrives as a center for the arts with regular exhibits and a shop featuring the work of local artists. 

For further information, visit or email curators Anthony and Jo Ann Silva at


Color Photographs by John Fogle - February 2017

February 05, 2017

Stetson Gallery will feature the color photographs of John Fogle throughout the month of February. The opening reception for "Color on Canvas" will be held Sunday, February 5, from 12-2 p.m. in the Gallery.


With a Master’s Degree in Film from Boston University, John Fogle has been involved in the visual arts for 45 years. He has worked in film exhibition, distribution and production. He enjoyed 20 years as an audio-visual and freelance photographer, serving numerous publishing and technical clients. Until 2009, John spent 15 years as a creative director with promotion-marketing agencies.


"Most of my photo-art has been in black & white, which I tend to prefer," Fogle says of this collection of photos. "With this exhibit, 'Color on Canvas,' I am celebrating color and composition with a bit of a candy-eye. These images have been captured during my travels to Asia, Europe, and throughout New England from 1968 to the present."


John Fogle has had several local photography exhibits, and has won numerous awards for his photography - including a Hatch Award from the Art Directors Club of Boston. Since moving to Marblehead, he has had many works accepted in the Marblehead Festival of Arts photography exhibit, where he has earned a Best-in-Show Award, a Samuel Chamberlain Award, a Photojournalism Award, and several Outstanding Work and Honorable Mention awards.


Also an avid theatre director, John has more than 80 stage productions to his credit. He is co-founder of Marblehead's Mugford Street Players and is Artistic Director Emeritus of the Salem Theatre Company. John and Jean have travelled extensively. Most of the images displayed in Color On Canvas were captured on these adventures. Canvas prints on display vary in size from 12"X12" up to 30"x40" and all are for sale, ready to hang.


January 08, 2017

The Stetson Galllery is honored to join with the Marblehead Arts Association to host an exhibit of works by the late, great Marblehead watercolorist Nordia Kay. The exhibit, “Nordia: A Retrospective, will hang throughout the month of January. The opening reception for  “Nordia: A Retrospective” will be held Sunday, Jan. 8, 12-2 p.m. in Stetson Gallery.


Nordia Kay was a beloved art educator and celebrated watercolor artist. She attended Queens College in New York and earned her Master’s Degree in Art Education at Columbia University. For more than 40 years, Nordia taught painting on the North Shore while establishing herself as a sought after and much collected artist not only in Massachusetts but internationally, particularly in Japan. Nordia and her friend, photographer Herb Goldberg, collaborated for 30 years to create unique photo and painting pieces that were auctioned annually at the Marblehead Festival of Arts Art Auction. Over the years, their art raised more than $30,000 to support the Festival.


When Nordia passed away, her family generously donated 125 original pieces to the MAA. More than 20 framed pieces, as well as many more that are unframed, will be on exhibit and available for sale throughout January. The exhibit will offer a rare chance for art lovers to add to their collections of precious “Nordias.”


November 01, 2016

The luminous watercolor flowers of artist Catherine Dullea will grace the walls of Stetson Gallery throughout the month of November. The opening reception for “Divine Flowers” will be held Sunday, Nov. 6, from 12-2 p.m.

"Making art is my response to the inner command to take notice, says Catherine Dullea.  "It is a bypass of the normal channels; a plummet to the core, where the encounter is everything. I engage because I must. It demands softly, unconditionally, my attention, my engagement, and my choice. Whenever I receive this whispered invitation, I choose to show up. My life’s challenge is to keep myself quiet enough to be able to hear this gentle call.”

The unique watercolor sketches done by Hope Carpenter throughout her travels will be on exhibit in Stetson Gallery throughout the month of October. The opening reception for “Sketches from Life” will be held Sunday, Oct. 2, 12-2 p.m. in the Gallery.

A current Salem resident and former resident of Marblehead, Hope Carpenter is well known for her impressive array of skills, including: former lead singer in a rock band; toy designer; historic re-enactor who makes her own soaps, costumes, and even shoes; home renovator, and, most importantly, talented artist. Her October exhibit will feature watercolor sketches she has made throughout her travels, some using unusual substitutes for water. In London, for example, she once used some of the Guinness she was drinking!

Hope Carpenter does not consider herself a fine artist. 

“I’m an illustrator, interested more in capturing a moment in time” she says.

Hope paints watercolor sketches wherever she goes instead of taking photos. For the first time in 20 years, she is sharing these sketches with the public. In addition to beer in a London pub, she has painted with as well as with pickle juice in an outdoor setting. From New Orleans to Paris, each sketch shows a glimpse of a moment in her life.

Hope Carpenter grew up on a farm in Pennsylvania and says she “was always the kid lost in thought as she observed her world, always curious about her world.” She decided to become a commercial artist/illustrator when she was six years old. Though she never attended a formal art college, she painted with watercolors in adult classes at the age of 12 and had four years of art training in high school. She attended Pinebrook College for seminary study, and Kutztown College where she studied color theory, deciding to major in color theory. She apprenticed for a year in Philadelphia with a 94 year old porcelain painter who was taught to paint roses and orchids by a Lenox master painter. She became a designer and illustrator, her career for last 35 years.

“I passed the art baton to my daughter Elisha who graduated from Lyme Academy of Fine Arts. Now in my 50s, I am as curious about the science of what I see as much as the colors and textures.”

Nedret Andre, the award winning Boston based artist whose 2015 Stetson Gallery exhibit, “50 Ways to Say Seagrass” was a highlight of the Gallery season, kicks off this year’s exhibits with “Intertidal,” a continuation of her exploration of Seagrass habitats. The opening reception for “Intertidal” will be held Sunday, Sept. 11, 12-2 p.m. in the Gallery.

“Intertidal is a series of paintings that explore my fascination with seagrass habitats between tides,” Nedret says. “I’m interested in showing the richness of diversity in seagrass beds, as well as the tension of survival in the water. This summer, I harvested and planted seagrass in Essex with the Novak Lab a conservation group from BU. Having tactile experience of seagrass and being in water with invertebrates, fish, crabs, turtles, and mollusks is transformative. Many exchanges occur simultaneously; carbon dioxide is being absorbed from our atmosphere. The rhizome roots trap sediments, which help reduce erosion and buffers coastlines against storms.

“My paintings are about the importance of light and clear water in marine habitats. I’m interested in bringing about awareness of the quiet beautiful power of seagrass both at low and high tide.”

Nedret Andre earned a BA in Business Studies at the University of North London, her BFA in Painting at Massachusetts College of Art, and her MFA in Painting at Maine College of Art. Her work has been exhibited throughout Massachusetts, where her new Seagrass paintings have attracted wide attention. Her work is in many private and corporate collections.


May 28, 2023

Stetson Gallery in the Unitarian Universalist Church of Marblehead reopens on Sunday, Sept. 11 for its 2016-2017 season. The Gallery, which primarily features North of Boston artists in solo exhibitions, has for more than 20 years offered art lovers an opportunity to view a broad selection of featured artists’ work .

The opening reception on Sept. 11 will be held from noon-2 p.m. Returning to Stetson Gallery after her extremely popular “Seagrass” exhibit in November, 2015, will be celebrated Boston based painter Nedret Andre. Andre continues her artistic and ecological exploration of seagrass with “Intertidal,” a series of paintings that explore her fascination with seagrass habitats between tides. The works in Intertidal will primarily be larger than her initial series of 50 12×12 paintings.

The Stetson Gallery season continues in October with travel sketches by Salem resident Hope Carpenter. Carpenter will collect 20 years of her on-the-spot sketches, many in watercolor, for the exhibit, which will have a fresh and spontaneous feel. November will find the Gallery filled with glorious floral paintings, appropriately titled “Divine Flowers,” by Catherine Dullea.

The Gallery is closed for the months of December and January, then reopens in February with an exhibit of a retrospective of theatrical photography by photographer and stage director John Fogle. In March, whimsical local artist Susan J. Schrader will exhibit a collection of new work. April’s exhibit will showcase the colorful and ethereal paintings of Marie Buckley, whose inspiration is the islands of the Bahamas. In May, the Gallery welcomes a group of talented painters who study together and call themselves Boston North Artists. The group will hang a representative exhibit of their work using a theme the artists choose together. In June, the Gallery will once again celebrate Pride Month, with art both by and celebrating the LGBTQ community.

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