Unitarian Universalist Church of Marblehead

28 Mugford Street Marblehead, MA 01945

Red Bow Fair
Dec 7, 2024
9am to 3pm
Following the UUCM tradition of hosting the Red Bow Fair on the first Saturday in December, this year the Red Bow Fair will be on Saturday, December 7th. Save the date!!!
Red Bow Fair Wreaths
Red Bow Fair Wreath Pre-order Form
Interested in a holiday wreath this season?
Click the link HERE to complete the pre-order form to secure your wreath selection. Completing the form helps the Red Bow Fair Committee estimate wreath preparation for the event, and ensures you get the wreath of your choice. The form can be printed, completed, and returned in-person to Lindsey Passaic or completed electronically and emailed to redbowfair@uumarblehead.org. Completed forms are requested by Sunday, November 24th.
Wreath pick-up is at the church on Saturday, December 7th between 9am and 3pm during the Red Bow Fair. Payment is due upon pick-up.