Unitarian Universalist Church of Marblehead

28 Mugford Street Marblehead, MA 01945

rites of passage
A rite of passage is a celebration of the transition that occurs when an individual leaves one aspect of their life to enter another. A Rite of Passage is an important transition for both the individual and their community. A Rite of Passage is marked by separation, the moving away from one group or stage in life to cross the threshold into a state of transition and finally the progression into the next stage or status.
We recognize that these events are highly personal and need to reflect the individual or individuals participating. Whatever the Rite of Passage you are seeking UUCM will work with you to create a Rite of Passage that is pertinent and significant for you. Following are examples. Please contact Rev. Edmund Robinson about your needs and wishes.
Child Dedication
A Child dedication ceremony is typically created by the parents, our minister, and religious educator. Most Child Dedications encompass: A blessing for the new life of the child, a statement of the parent or parents’ aspirations for the child and a promise by the family, friends, and congregation to support and nurture the child
If you are interested in having your child dedicated at UUCM please contact us for more information.
Coming of Age
A Coming of Age ceremony is held after the youth complete a period of learning and religious exploration. The typical UU Coming of Age occurs between ages 13-15. These ceremonies characteristically include: Each youth reading statements of their personal values and beliefs, reflections from parents, members of the congregation, the minister, and/or the religious educator. We finish with the offering of a small gift to recognizing this important passage from childhood to adolescence.
We will also work with you on your own Coming of Age Ceremony.
Bridging Ceremonies
To mark the move into adulthood of our youth in high school for 17-18 year-olds, we have a Bridging Ceremony. We hold older youth meetings to help them gain an understanding of this important transition. The ceremony is designed by those bridging but typically includes reflections from the individual youth, their family, the minister, and/or the religious educator and small gifts to mark this important transition from youth into adulthood.
Each wedding is personally created with the couple in order to encompass each couple's individualistic beliefs, traits, values and relationship.
We celebrate interfaith weddings, same sex weddings, and weddings incorporating many beliefs, including Atheist and Agnostic, Buddhist, Christian, Earth-Centered, Pagan, Hindu, Humanist, Jewish and Muslim beliefs.
Memorial Services and Funerals
We offer a personalized Celebration of Life, Memorial Services and Funerals that truly reflect the individual and celebrates their life and impact on those around them. Elements incorporated in many Memorial Services include an eulogy, readings, poems, reflections. sharing of memories, hymns or songs and music reflective of the individual.
Each Celebration of Life is unique as is the individual being Celebrated.