Unitarian Universalist Church of Marblehead

28 Mugford Street Marblehead, MA 01945
Donna Caselden
Donna Caselden
Donna Caselden's
"Juxtuposition" incorporates abstract art with ornate framing.
Donna Caselden's
"Juxtuposition" incorporates abstract art with ornate framing.

Stetson Gallery presents an exhibit showcasing experimental artist Donna Caselden. A well-known talent across the spectrum of visual design and an award winning experimental artist and wearable art clothing designer, Caselden also works one-on-one with clients on interior design and home décor projects.
“I love the marriage of old with new, contemporary with traditional, yin and yang’” explains Caselden, "in the design field and especially with artwork. This show will feature a collection of abstract expressionism artwork framed in ornate, many times antique frames; a play on the juxtaposition of old versus new”. Caselden works from her studio in the seaside village of Annisquam, Massachusetts. As a painter, she has won acclaim for her work with acrylic, watercolor and oil paint. She is known for her experimental 2D artwork, incorporating unusual substances like marble dust, sand, coffee grounds, or mica to achieve unique texture and effects.
Donna Caselden is a member of Cape Ann’s Experimental Art Group at Rockport Art Association, Society for Encouragement of Arts (seARTS), and the National Association of Women Artists (NAWA.) Her art work is showcased in museums and galleries throughout the northeast, including the Peabody Essex Museum (PEM) in Salem, Massachusetts.
The exhibit “Juxtaposition” is a solo exhibit running April 25 to May 15, 2018. All are welcome to the artists opening reception held Sunday, April 29th from noon to 2 pm.